Patron Counter

After the library reopened to the public we were still under a strict max occupancy limit. Library staff needed to know how many patrons were currently in the library, and library management wanted to know how many people were in the building that day. My solution was to create a local web app.

The app would have two uses, first a input, where a staff member at the doors could count when people came in and when they left.

I tried to make this a straightforward as possible, letting the staff person use a phone, tablet, or laptop with easy and clear buttons. I used local storage to keep the count on the device and every time a button was pressed an Ajax request was sent to a backend API that updated a MySQL database.

The second part was a template on our intranet that displayed the current count as well as the max for the day.

There was also another page that displayed out stats over time with the date, daily count and highest occupancy.



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